This is the Dowd's New Personal Website and access is by invitation only.

We live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and we use this website to enable our family and friends to keep in touch and up-to-date with all that we're doing.
Click here to enter our site.

We've changed the website access password, please contact Keehan if you'd like a new password.
You can use the contact form here.

If you've come here from the old website "" then please change your bookmark to reflect our new, permanent site:

We've bought this site for life and from now on, you can always reach us here and by using our "OzCanuck" email addresses.

Inquries can be sent to Keehan via the contact form here.
Or if you have PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption tools, please send Keehan an encrypted email using his public key here.

Current time in Edmonton:
Current Weather:
Some Quick Facts about Edmonton:
  • Country: Canada, Province: Alberta
  • Population (est. 2006):
    Canada: 33,098,932
    Alberta: 3,306,400
    Edmonton: 1,016,000
  • Traditional Industries: Engineering and environmental technologies, equipment manufacturing and petrochemicals.
  • Emerging Industries: Agri-food, biotechnology, and nanotechnology.
Distances (direct) to other cities:
  • Brisbane, Queensland: 12628 km (Keehan's Birthplace)
  • Grand Falls, Newfoundland: 3959 km (Dawn's Birthplace)
  • Perth, Western Australia: 15414 km
  • London, England: 4220 km
  • Los Angeles, California: 2189 km
So where is Edmonton Exactly?
map_edm_world (16K)
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